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      Biodiversity units for sale

      Manor Farm, Shropham, Attleborough, NR17 1DY


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      Local Planning Authorities
      National Character Areas
      South Norfolk and High Suffolk Claylands

      Managed by:

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      Biodiversity net gain initiative creating >1,000 biodiversity units for sale.


      This landscape scale scheme is strategically located next to the River Thet and will see the creation and enhancement of a range of habitats that will generate over 1,000 biodiversity units.

      These habitats can support key species which are priorities for conservation in the Norfolk and Suffolk Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS). The ponds and surrounding habitats will provide essential breeding grounds, shelter and food sources for great crested newts. The grassland-scrub mosaic habitat will create ideal nesting sites and abundant food sources for nightingales. Enhancing the riparian corridor along the River Thet will improve habitat for kingfishers, and woodland enhancement will increase roosting sites and foraging opportunities for barbastelle bats. Scattered oak trees will also play a vital role in supporting biodiversity and ecosystem health. The lowland meadows can create the ideal microhabitat for the green-tinged orchid. Turtle doves may also benefit from the combination of grassland-scrub mosaic, ponds and surrounding agricultural land that will form this landscape.


      • Stow Bedon Stream, Thet (US Swangey Fen) and Thet (DS Swangey Fen) waterbody catchments
      • Little Ouse and Thet operational catchments

      Developers can secure biodiversity units for the following habitat types:

      • Woodland habitats of high distinctiveness
      • Grassland habitats of medium distinctiveness
      • Heathland and shrub habitats of medium distinctiveness
      • Individual trees of medium distinctiveness
      • Hedgerow habitats of low to medium distinctiveness
      • Watercourse


      The c. 272 ha site is located approx. 100m north of Shropham, within Breckland LPA and the South Norfolk and High Suffolk Claylands NCA.

      Local Planning Authorities
      National Character Areas
      South Norfolk and High Suffolk Claylands

      Managed by:

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