Wiston Estate, North Farm, Pulborough, RH20 4BB

Local Planning Authorities
National Character Areas
Managed by:
Biodiversity net gain initiative creating >1,000 biodiversity units for sale.
This is an exciting opportunity for developers to support landscape-scale habitat restoration in West Sussex that will buffer and expand priority habitats. The creation of a variety of habitats and enhancement of woodlands will generate over 1,000 biodiversity units.
The first phase of BNG has a s106 agreement in place with the South Downs National Park and has been accepted onto the Biodiversity Gain Site Register (reference number: BGS-140524001). To date over 60 biodiversity units have been sold.
Developers can secure biodiversity units for the following habitat types:
- Woodland habitats of high distinctiveness
- Heathland and shrub habitats of medium distinctiveness
- Grassland habitats of medium distinctiveness
- Hedgerow habitats of medium to high distinctiveness
- Individual trees of medium distinctiveness
The site is located approx. 1.5 km north of Findon within the Horsham and South Downs National Park LPAs. The estate sits within the South Downs, Low Weald and Wealden Greensand NCAs.
Local Planning Authorities
National Character Areas
Managed by: